Convention organizers are hoping to set an attendance record this year. From 23 to 26 May, tens of thousands of Rotarians will gather in Osaka, Japan, for the 95th RI Convention.

Rotarians can still register on-site at the Osaka International Conference Center, one of the largest convention facilities in western Japan. Plenary sessions will be held at the immense Osaka Dome, which seats 40,000. The crown prince of Japan is scheduled to make an appearance, as well as Rotary Foundation alumna Sadako Ogata, former UNHCR high commissioner, who will present the keynote address.

The Host Organization Committee is arranging a variety of one-day tours and events before and after the convention to introduce Rotarians to Japanese history and traditions. These include a tour of ancient Kyoto, famous for its temples and shrines; a trip to Kuromon Market, known as the Kitchen of Osaka, and a visit to Himeji Castle, considered the country's best-preserved example of medieval castle architecture.

Convention buses, reserved for international visitors, will provide transportation between designated Osaka hotels and convention venues. Local Japanese Rotarians are encouraged to use the city's excellent public transportation system. When taking a taxi, Rotarians who do not speak Japanese should first ask the hotel concierge to write their destination in Japanese characters or point it out on a map so they can show the driver, who may speak only Japanese.

Rotary's official convention airline, Japan Airlines, is offering discounted fares to convention goers, which vary according to the departure point, class of travel, and method of booking tickets. To make a reservation, consult the Rosenbluth International convention Web site at Visit for updated information on the program and convention site.

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